Monday, May 14, 2012


Did you ever have an assignment, project, or report that you simply did not have any inspiration for completing yet you had an obligation to get it done?  In actuality you wanted to do it but the work just wouldn’t get going, get cracking, get flowing.  You deem it totally unacceptable to shirk the thing.  In hopes of making something out of nothing you begin offering words to the mission, fleshing it with what little you have and perhaps hoping to ramble enough to fill the space on the paper you were given all the while holding hope for the benevolence of the evaluating reader to give you a pity C for some variety of effort. 

C is defined as a symbol at (yes, it’s true – look it up!).
1.  the third in order or in a series
2.  (in some grading systems) a grade or mark, as in school or college, indicating the quality of a student’s work as fair or average.

Maybe it happened in Senior English your last semester of high school.  Maybe it was during a science lab your sophomore year of college.  Maybe it transpired last month when evaluations of first quarter performance were due.  Maybe the task was last week’s projected plan for an increase in company morale.  Maybe it was this week’s lesson plans.  Maybe it is at this very moment my blog.

Struck Dumb
Seriously, munificent, evaluate mercy
on the emptiness of my mouth mind
south in a state of rare, undetermined
speechlessness have not a thing to say
Even after typing over two hundred
words, the absurd reality, is I have still
said nothing of any meaning, shall
speechlessness surely begin this day
I offer four more lines of type holding
babbled hype a visual façade of work
longer growing below mere mediocre
speechlessness permits silence give way

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