Last night at 23:31 Earth was for a moment standing straight up with its axis pointing neither away from nor toward the sun – at an equinox. This equinox marks spring for the Northern Hemisphere (vernal equinox), fall for the Southern Hemisphere (autumnal equinox). Whatever season we are heading into we Earth dwellers were all held in a moment of balance between an equal day and night.
Wikipedia explains that equinox occurs twice a year when the center of the Sun is in the same plane as Earth’s equator. The name “equinox” is from Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night) denoting that night is of equal length north and south of the equator. An equinox happens each year at two specific moments in time (rather than two whole days) around March 20/21 and September 22/23 each year. On a day of the equinox, the center of the Sun spends a roughly equal amount of time above and below the horizon at every location on the Earth.
A time of balance sounds great. Our healthy human physiology thrives in balance. Balance of alkalinity versus acidity. Insulin and glucagon are used to keep the amount of blood glucose in our bodies in balance. Our kidneys work all day to maintain salt and ion levels in homeostasis. When we are out of balance physically the body will manifest illness. Our physical bodies are a complicated system working constantly for balance.
But what of our mental and emotional need for balance? Imbalance in the non-physical self can manifest illness as well. In the natural passage of time a moment to be in equilibrium benefits us physically and emotionally. At times the psychological quest feels like a seesaw relentlessly rising up and falling down so that I’m either riding high or crashing suddenly onto my behind as if someone jumped off the other end. Other times, mental balance feels to me just a moment that passes, much like the moment of equinox. I can get there, but I cannot stay. Work and play. Expenditure and rest. Eating well versus eating junk. Sleeping and staying up late. Exercising and not exercising. Knowing the “right” thing to do for balance and actually doing it are two different challenges.
I know I feel best when I am able to keep my mind in balance. Certainly I’m hoping to do better than just two moments a year in a state of balance. Perhaps this marking of the Earth’s equal posture can stand as a seasonal reminder of our need for balance, our need to be aware of keeping certain life things in suitable relationship as we mark the forward passage of time.
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