week I waited in carpool line amidst fellow kid-fetchers, each of us in various
motor vehicles watching bicycles or those on foot drift past. The day decked us in gorgeous array – sunny,
eighty degrees, gentle breeze. My van windows
were open. I crept forward, letting my
foot rise off the brake ever so subtly progressing toward the sidewalk where
chatting children waited.
came the honking. HONK. HONK. HOOONNNNK. I looked at a small parking lot where some folks
choose to leave their cars and walk up to the school. A mammoth white SUV was blasting its horn at
a small car driven by a granny-looking lady who was clearly a bit confused
about where she should park, exactly. The
Grandmother moved through what unfolded as a three attempt effort to back into
a space as the female driver of the SUV whaled on that horn over and over. I was so disappointed in the absence of kindness. Who could really be in such a hurry as to not
see the old lady was TRYING? The whole
event was only, maybe, three minutes and they both drove away scattering a
cloud of ugly energy. I couldn’t help
but wonder what the children with the horn-honker learned about kindness. defines kindness.
1. the state or quality of being kind
2. a kind act
3. kind behavior
4. friendly feeling; liking
1. the state or quality of being kind
2. a kind act
3. kind behavior
4. friendly feeling; liking
I feel that definition offers nothing without defining kind.
1. of a good or benevolent nature or disposition, as a person
2. having, showing, or proceeding from benevolence
3. indulgent, considerate, or helpful; humane
4. mild, gentle, clement
1. of a good or benevolent nature or disposition, as a person
2. having, showing, or proceeding from benevolence
3. indulgent, considerate, or helpful; humane
4. mild, gentle, clement
we might each consider kindness. We cannot let anger and hate overtake the
collective spirit of our world. Every little
thing we do adds to the united life-force of humanity. Haters don’t seem to be scared to flip the
finger, shout profane words, launch car bombs.
Why should we be afraid to hold open doors, let others out in traffic,
wait and breathe deeply as a confused person parks a car, be pleasant to a
cashier, tip generously, offer “please” and “thank you” liberally, look people
in the eye and smile. I assert that
piles of little acts weigh as much as one big one!
wrongly think ourselves powerless much of the time. On the contrary, we have so much power that
we wield without thought of ourselves or others. Power to heal and to hurt with so much as a
word or our hands, a smile or a honk, a moment of silence, a song. People power can pulse the universe with joy
or junk it up with hostility. Kindness is necessary. Kindness
is a gift to ourselves and to others. Kindness is powerful.
praise human hallowed power to pray
preach and prune
about beauty, lost wandering
knowing the scale
tips to the flip side of goodness as
flood the light side
with abundant acts, kindness
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