Monday, August 19, 2013


Few things offers simple, satisfying comfort like a warm mug of __________ (fill in the blank with whatever comes to mind).   Coffee.  Soup.  Cider.  Mulled wine.  Green tea.  Chili.  This morning for me it is black coffee, decaf for the good of my nervous system and the world at large as caffeine, unless in dire fatigue circumstances, makes me unpleasant to myself and others.  Insert memories of my inside head voice saying, “stop talking, stop talking, just stop,” and my inside body voice responding, “Can’t.”  Really, caffeine in my body is ruthless, unlike the merciful mug which proffers plainly a two-palm-sized gift to ourselves each time we fill it.  On this August morning I don’t think I have ever enjoyed an ebony swig more.  I am alone in the house early on Monday for the first time since May.  I raise my mug today to toast the first day of school.
Mug is a noun defined at as a drinking cup, usually cylindrical in shape, having a handle, and often of a heavy substance, as earthenware.  Also there is a slang noun form meaning the face or the mouth.
Many of my mugs are from garage sales and used stuff stores.  I feel an exquisite, thrifty thrill when my mug budget of fifty cents reaps some ceramic cast off that fits my fingers just fine as I wrap them through the handle and around the body of the cup.  Never mind the plates and spoons, a unique mug makes me swoon!  Seems silly, I admit, but it is a simple joy that keeps me from sorrow at the times I inevitably drop a mug or absentmindedly smash one into the side of the sink.  The original twelve matching tea cups with saucers received as wedding gifts thusly are reduced now to four - dainty and lovely and just what a bride should choose but failing to satisfy the weighty warmth of a sturdier stein.  Indeed my tea cups have never crossed over into mug territory.  Fine for a lovely table, luncheon, or dessert tray but never hoping to hold chili with cheese nor fat, fluffy marshmallows swimming in Godiva hot chocolate.  Never.
Today takes its place in a long line of soggy days.  I don’t mind.  Serendipitously the term to describe today’s air is muggy!  Quiet is all the more compelling in such weather, damp from recent rain and still with anticipation of more predicted thunderous precipitation.  More captivating also is my mug.  Mine alone for the first morning in months.  Silence.  Sipping.  Sitting in space that has been a bustle and acutely active for well-lived summer’s steamy stint but now slowed just for the moment.  The day holds much and will be busy in a matter of minutes, melding from languid linguistics to droves of to-do demands.  But in deep gratitude I find myself truly loving my matchless Monday mug.


Mommy Cup

mug resting in palms
sip light after offspring leave
what now can I hold

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