Today my thoughts are slow to arrive and coagulate. Seems distraction descended about the time I got out of bed. offers the following definition for distraction.1. the act of distracting
2. the state of being distracted
3. mental distress or derangement
4. that which distracts, divides the attention, or prevents concentration
5. that which amuses, entertains or diverts; amusement
Also listed were synonyms: madness, lunacy, insanity, craziness.
At my computer simultaneously staring at and feeling a LARGE whiteness, I review my morning seeking something to muse.Alarm sounded from my new-fangled phone with a clock app. I accidentally activate a flashlight when I pick it up. Mind splits into three tasks – stand, stop alarm, stop blinding beam. I wake two kids and make their breakfast while packing three lunches, assembling a quiche and talking about back muscles with my husband. I kiss two kids out the door on my way upstairs to wake another sleepy head.
Back downstairs while collecting crust crumbs I call the school for details regarding an athletic team try-out, check the weather, instruct regarding wardrobe for the day as it is twenty degrees cooler than yesterday and scramble an egg having forgotten to actually put the quiche in the oven. While putting on my shoes and sweater, gathering my keys and replying to a text about today’s carpool, I decide quiche will be a nice lunch. In the van, strapping my seatbelt, sipping tea (when did I make tea?) I start the engine and drive to school.
I enjoy a phone chat, gather trash and an empty water bottle in the seven minutes it takes to return home. Once inside I realize I forgot to take the quiche out of the oven. It is, gratefully, slightly browner that I would have chosen but certainly not ruined. I eat some quiche while getting my vitamins and clearing dishes into the sink. It is now 8:30am. I microwave my cooled tea and sit at my computer to check my email (which I have ignored for two days – yikes!), update online banking, print some necessary forms, and try to feel creative. By 11:00am I have not been able to even decide what I am musing because my attention is so divided. I suspect I am not alone. In households everywhere mornings look like this or even crazier. The madness seems weaved into my culture. I was happy to be reminded by the fifth entry for distraction of an option. Distraction can also be a thing that amuses and brings joy - fishing or reading or resting or meditating, a warm cup of tea or perhaps a bit of poetry.
Mental Divide
wonder what isthe disturbance
words, duties
money and mail
electronic rings
debts, ads for things
we need
the time, the food
find or cook or eat
the mind
will wander
often scattered
salt through sea
tossed by waves
churn, burn energy
action and inaction
churn, burn energy
action and inaction
Girl! You make me so tired when I think of all you have to do every day by 8AM! And this kind of whiz is what you're like when distracted? No wonder your poetry burns holes in the atmosphere when you focus!