Monday, January 14, 2013


Writing my blog nourishes and trains me.  The word each week is on my mind, whirling in search of expression and exploration.  Monday musing gets the swirling outside my head and lets me organize it into attention.  A focused, still mind is a wonderful state:  the goal of yoga, the goal of my life.  I recognize thoughts that nourish.  But sometimes the stuff in a moving mind does not offer validity.  Messages may be planted by someone else or rooted in a destructive experience.  Sometimes there are no words at all.  For these moments, I have a strategy.  Notes of affirmation draw positive energy and call to mind what is true.
Affirmation is defined at
1.  The act or an instance of affirming; state of being affirmed.
2.  The assertion that something exists or is true.
3.  Something that is affirmed; a statement or proposition that is declared to be true.
4.  Confirmation or ratification of truth or validity of a prior judgment, decision, etc. 
The world often does not say what is true or strengthening to us.  Occasionally we wait for others to say the things we need to hear.  They might offer affirming statements.  Or we may wait a long, long time that stretches into never.  Don’t wait for the world to tell you what exists or is true.  Tell yourself.  Oprah does.  Dr. Christiane Northrup does.  I learned the habit of affirmation from a creativity coach, Cassie Premo Steele (, in a fabulous workshop.  What do you know is true that you need to remember?
Seriously, I’m talking actual, physical, written thoughts.  Here are some notes that serve me.  On my closet wall: When I shower and dress in clothes I like, my mood improves.  On my desk:  I know people who can help me get where I want to be.   I am moving toward God in whatever direction I go.  In my bathroom drawer:  Thank you for getting out of bed today.  On the inside of a kitchen cabinet:  When I eat natural, healthy foods I feel full, nourished and free of unresolved cravings. 
Gather supplies.  I like practical post-it notes.  Maybe note cards or pretty stationary saved for just the right use.  A pen or pencil or grape scented marker.  Phrases cut out of magazines can be wonderful.  Make a board to display somewhere with many messages or place single affirmations in places in your environment where YOU WILL SEE THEM.  Create a recurring reminder message on your phone.  Read each affirmation word for word every time you see it.  Every time.   
If no affirming sentence comes to mind, sit in quiet or be attentive to your daily thoughts until an affirmation flows naturally from a situation.  Maybe borrow these:    

When I say YES to myself and my needs, my energy always increases and I feel wonderful. 
                                                                                      - Dr. Christiane Northrup

I am responsible for my life and I do my best at this moment.
                                                                                      - Oprah Winfrey


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