Monday, January 7, 2013


Welcome 2013!  Resolution conversations exalt ways to improve.  I shout, “Amen!” to self-benefiting behaviors.   But, something powerful and potentially deceptive resides in these first days of the year.  Subject lines in abundant junk email propose a treasure-trove of potentials.  Melt your fat!  Meet your mate!  Lower your bills!  Ads assert a “new you” via sale priced clothing or a weight loss center.  I propose instead of NEW You, there is TRUE You.

New is defined at
1.  of recent origin, production, purchase, etc.; having but lately come or been brought into being.
2.  of a kind now existing or appearing for the first time.
3.  having but lately or but now come into knowledge.
4.  unfamiliar or strange.
5.  having but lately come to a place, position, status, etc.

New habits?  Yes. 

New intentions?  Absolutely. 

New knowledge?  Sure. 

New jeans, furniture, plans, or job ?  Affirmative. 

New YOU existing or appearing for the first time?  No. 

More precisely I think there is a True You.  True You is present, eternal, good, deserving of kindness, abundance, respect and love.  True You, created in the divine image and likeness of the Creator, yearns to be realized.  True You may indeed reside under unhealthy weight or abusive habits or draped in work you don’t like or suffering in addiction (doesn’t have to be illegal to be addictive - TV, food, alcohol, cigarettes).   These discordances are addressed by bringing our bodies into balance not to be media imposed perfect but to be True You.  Strong.  Courageous.  Beautiful.     
Resolving toward True You cannot disillusion nor dissatisfy.   Yearning to be a different being can leave a person feeling lost and disappointed.  Expecting an all new self can be a falsehood that distracts from truth (see post 2/27/12).  Old me does not disappear into thin air replaced with a different creature.  Accumulated experiences up to today are real but passed.  People can step upon a different path that doesn’t deny days gone by but instead releases them from having any power.  We can change.  
This work is neither new nor easy.  It comes at varying times baptized with tears, laced with laughter, blessed with rest, strung with struggle but always with what is real.  Feel sad, but don’t stay sad.  Be proud of success but don’t cling to pride.  Experience anger, but don’t hold onto anger.  Be honest.  If you feel depressed acknowledge depression but don’t let depression stay.   Cry.  Forgive.  Dance.  Sleep.  Exercise.  Question.  Meditate.  Try.  Try again.
We can read books or join groups to find cohorts and supporters.  The True You journey is individual but embraces the gift of help.  One contemporary wise man and one ancient can be today’s companions with their words:

You don’t need another diet, workout manual, or personal trainer. 
Go within, listen to your body, and treat it with the dignity and love
that your self-respect demands. 
                                                             – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer (The Power of Intention)

And you, when will you begin this journey into yourself?
                                                                                – Rumi

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